بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
Story upon story
They say life is what we make it.
As I sit here in the silence of the night,
I reflect on my life; my story.
As another chapter ends; will another chapter begin?
Or will it end suddenly with the reader left wondering what if?
What sentiments will the Author prescribe to this feeble novel of so many He writes.
What lines of the story will the Author dictate unto me?
Who will become the hero and who the enemy?
Under which chapter will the happiness lie and where are the moments of sadness and hardship.
The lines have been written, the chapters now closed, the Author has all power and His ending shall be final.
The publishing now in full swing, as each page is carefully laid out and read.
The readers left skimming the pages of a life amongst so many.
Wondering how the novel will end, I gaze up and see the wonders of a clear night
If only the novel can be as clear as this.
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