بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
I have suffered so much under the hands of mortal men
I have given in, so that their temporary happiness in this fleeting world can content them.
I have forgiven so that their weary desires are met.
And yet the torture still continues;
The cut is so fierce;
The pain so sharp;
The wound…
…Never healing
Where is the one to heal such scars of weakness?
Where is the one to put an end to all this torment?
My heart has bled;
It has become drained of all life.
Drowning in a vast ocean of darkness.
Too tired of struggling in so much deepness
I have not begun to live
Yet all I want to do is go back home.
tempest ©
At 10:17 am,
Sadiq said…
The path for going back home is not always smooth.
Hold on the handle of faith hard, lest you fall.
And journey is not too long.
Before you know you can reach there if He wills.
By forgiving you have made yourself worthy of an honoured guest in your own house.
By given in and submitting you have honoured none but your own immortal soul. Blessed be your pure soul. Blessed be your heart.
At 5:21 pm,
Tempest said…
I have no choice but to forgive, for if one does not forgive what does that make them, just as bad as the one who commited the crime.
Something that ive learnt is try and keep the heart soft and not let it harden. Forgiving is one way in doing that, forgive them before they commit an injustice against you...
Akhi u always seem to say the sensible thing...im just sleep deprived, i havent slept for 30 hours and counting...
At 4:31 pm,
Sahar_Reviews said…
Salaam Alykum,
Beautifully composed.
At 7:16 pm,
Tempest said…
Wa alaikum assalaam,
Thank you sis...btw i love ur poems on the ahlul bayt (as), u have quite a talent.
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