Emancipating the light from the darkness rivets around the notion that much required strength and the utmost contagious flow of pure love is needed.
Love in its purest form neither discriminates nor differentiates.
Both the affluent and deprived can acquire it.
Love in its purest form does not disintegrate with the passing of time rather its bond strengthens and its light never fails to brighten the darkest of days.
Its grasp tightening;
Its union strengthening;
Its laugh victorious:
Its pain torturous.
A million love songs will not suffice.
A million words will fail to enchanter.
A million paintings will not succumb to an emotion as strong as the casting iron.
You alone and alone will witness the rise and fall of such adoration.
Love in its purest form neither discriminates nor differentiates.
Both the affluent and deprived can acquire it.
Love in its purest form does not disintegrate with the passing of time rather its bond strengthens and its light never fails to brighten the darkest of days.
Its grasp tightening;
Its union strengthening;
Its laugh victorious:
Its pain torturous.
A million love songs will not suffice.
A million words will fail to enchanter.
A million paintings will not succumb to an emotion as strong as the casting iron.
You alone and alone will witness the rise and fall of such adoration.
At 3:02 am,
Anonymous said…
love this. speaks volumes to my heart. doing well right now. hope you are as well.
travel well
At 8:00 pm,
Tempest said…
hey enoch
i really should email you, things are a bit hectic at the moment but dont think ive pushed you to one side....i will get back to you.
Im glad youre well and i hope its all upwards...
At 12:43 pm,
Disturbed Stranger said…
Great words.
At 6:06 pm,
Sadiq said…
Saalam Tempest,
Could u pls drop me an email? u can get my email address at the site.
i would love to catch up with u sometime.
all the best
At 12:00 am,
Saud S Undre said…
Hey Tempest,
Noticed that you had left me a few comments, on some of my entries, dating back a few weeks. I traced them back to your blog page and I've been sat here reading. The title of your blog is so apt for the content that you write. Every word, every passage is full of feeling, belief and emotion. I've had pure joy reading your entries. And thats all i'm going to say. Keep writing. I'm a follower from today.
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