Awakening the Soul

Thursday, May 19, 2005

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Distant memory

You are but only a distant memory
A vision shadowed by the darkness of time
A thought disfigured by the distance of space
A sound distorted by the rhythm of anarchy
And a touch contaminated by poisonous desires

You are but only a distant memory
Gone are the days of tranquillity and simple ness
Enter forth the world of chaos and mayhem
A recluse laments in the middle of the night
Desolate as nation upon nation desert his circle

You are but only a distant memory
Lamenting now the heart beseeches his Lord
Peace drowned with anxiety; agitation over clouds respite
Struggling to find guidance; as the world abandons him
Struggling to find the path; as the selfish soul tirelessly darkens his way

Now you are but only a forgotten memory
As the soul awakens from its deep slumber
It gathers strength from the eternal light
The truth unveils itself to the eager soul
Ready to accept its unseen journey to the unseen

You are but only a buried memory

tempest ©

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

"Is there anything more important than prayer?" asked the disciple of his master. The master asked the disciple to go to a nearby bush and cut off a branch. The disciple obeyed.
"Is the bush still alive?" asked the master.
"Just as alive as before," answered the disciple.
"Now go and cut the roots," said the master.
"If I do that, the bush will die," said the disciple.
"Prayers are the branches of a tree, whose roots are called faith," said the master. "There can be faith without prayer. But there can be no prayer without faith."

“Maktub” – Paulo Coelho

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Khadem al-Hussain

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Hide the faults of others deep in the earth
If shame is what their actions make you feel.
But if you mirror both their good and bad
Then you yourself must be like polished steel.

Rumi's Rubaiyat- Translated by Zara Houshmand

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم


The state of the Soul is forever changing;
The highs and the lows
One charging in front of the other;
One for the never ending love; annihilation
The other for carnal desires’; temptation
Trying to get on top, in command
Tearing the Soul;
Stay focused!
Which of the states is the soul urging for?
One so easy to grasp,
The other lies within trials and tribulation;
But its goal once reached lies infinite happiness.
So which of the states would you want to set forth and become?

tempest ©

Saturday, May 14, 2005

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Continued from the Valley of Pain.

The valley of love.

The enchanting wind calmly passes its wonders;
In a motion of delight the breeze gently elevates the heart into ecstasy
The melody of the nightingale sings each note with a perfect whisper;
A radiance of light beaming from its glistening eyes;
So much passion and love expressed as each note sings out its meaning,
Oh the serene, quiet, undisturbed valley of love;
Once tasted how can the heart but not surrender to this ecstatic addiction
Founded on love…
Drunk on love…
Lives on in love…
The wonders of the valley no eye can comprehend
For the Love that God bestowed vaguely is tasted;
‘Til the day when the soul is united with its Beloved.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Hearts Secret

The heart has a hidden secret within its darkest, most sensitive chamber;
Wanting the world to know what hides within its walls
But how can it be known when people will only make a mockery out of it;
Its passion starved of love;
Its cries drowned by hearsay;
Its compassion silenced by ignorance.
It’s then best left in its hidden chamber;
To mourn with its veils of silk curtains;
The anarchy within its chamber disturbs the deep thought of a thousand mystics;
How can this heart be tranquil, if its secret is not revealed?
The heart is a mystery within mysteries
So small yet contains so much;
So deep yet its deepness reflects gradual light
Embraces so much and yet its limits are not known
Expressing many emotions and holds many characters
If you knew the secret of the heart, would this life be enough to contain it?

tempest ©

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Time you are a shameful partner for a friend;
With the passage of dawn and sunset,
How many companions and supporters will be killed?
But time will not be content with my substitute;
The final affair rests with the Majestic One,
For every living being journeys back to Him along the path.

Imam Hussein (as) – Night of Ashura’
(Kitab Maqtal Al-Husayn – Abu Mikhnaf)

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Let the wines of the heaven overflow;
Let them spill out onto the vast oceans of darkness;
Let the flood of light from the heavens do battle against the deepest, darkest shadows and then victory shall avail. The flag bearer shall now encompass its victory…
Let the soul speak out of the love it entails when the battle is won,
Let the wine intoxicate the mind, the body and the soul
Listen to the tunes of the heart, follow the heart and it will lead thou to thy soul.
Follow the soul and it will lead thou to the undying and quenchable love, which no man can eternally comprehend.
The mystics speak of thy wine, yet the world laughs at ease,
At the dawn of a new era, when the trumpets come to blow for the final time all those who are in the heavens and earth swoon away, save him whom Allah wills.
Move forward for you have been guided,
You are the one who guides and are rightly guided+
tempest ©

+ Zuhayr b. Qayn…Companion of Imam Hussein in Kerbala, uttered this sentence as he went to do battle against the army of Yazid (la)