Awakening the Soul

Saturday, May 07, 2005

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Hearts Secret

The heart has a hidden secret within its darkest, most sensitive chamber;
Wanting the world to know what hides within its walls
But how can it be known when people will only make a mockery out of it;
Its passion starved of love;
Its cries drowned by hearsay;
Its compassion silenced by ignorance.
It’s then best left in its hidden chamber;
To mourn with its veils of silk curtains;
The anarchy within its chamber disturbs the deep thought of a thousand mystics;
How can this heart be tranquil, if its secret is not revealed?
The heart is a mystery within mysteries
So small yet contains so much;
So deep yet its deepness reflects gradual light
Embraces so much and yet its limits are not known
Expressing many emotions and holds many characters
If you knew the secret of the heart, would this life be enough to contain it?

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