I watch the sunrise lighting the sky,
Casting its shadow near.
And on this morning bright though it be,
I feel those shadows near me.
But you are always close to me
Following all my ways.
May I be always close to you.
Following all your ways, Lord.
I watch the sunlight shine through the clouds,
Warming the earth below.
And at the mid-day,
life seems to say:"I feel your brightness near me."
For you are always...
1 watch the sunset fading away,
Lighting the clouds with sleep.
And as the evening closes its eyes,
I feel your presence near me.
For you are always...
I watch the moonlight guarding the night,
Waiting till morning comes.
The air is silent, earth is at rest -
Only your peace is near me.
Reminiscing about old school days, this hymn came into my mind, I used to love and still do this hymn amongst many others.
At 11:03 pm,
Tempest said…
Yeah it is real beautiful, i havent heard or sung since i was a kid but i can still remember how it goes, its real soothing.
One thing i love about the human mind is that a piece of poetry or a work of art can be interpreted in so many different ways, and it leaves the piece being almost like a mystery you could say. Maybe there is not just one meaning and its left to the reader to decide how they want to see it.
Well i really enjoyed reading your last couple of pieces and i learnt something from them an all, im kinda sad to see you go again but ill anticipate your return.
Do take care of yourself and you know somewhere inside of us we all have the strength to carry on, even throughout our most difficult periods of our lives, theres something inside of us that keeps us going.
I dont know what your going through but i know and i believe from what i know of you through your writings that you are a faithful man, and that you are surrounded by people who care for you, and to have people who care and love you is an honour.
Thank you for all your compliments and wishes, you've been great to me, and i hope whatever path you take in life that it will make you happy.
At 9:31 pm,
Anonymous said…
amazing song but can't download it anywhere i heard it at my great nans funeral and bawled my eyes out! she was 100!
At 8:26 pm,
Anonymous said…
this was at my aunties funeral, i am also looking all over the net to find it, thankyou so much for thinking this song was beautiful enough to have on your great site x
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