بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
Weeping Statue
Weeping statue, do you here my cry?
The state i've become the angels die.
Weeping statue, do you feel my pain?
Fake treasures and greed are driving people insane.
Weeping statue im losing my mind;
Peace on earth i fail to find.
Weeping statue you stand so still;
You watch the people go by their will.
Weeping staute while oy ucarry on weeping;
The world deepens in turmoil whilst its people are fleeting.
At 11:20 am,
Tempest said…
The weeping statue idea came from a news article i read a while ago it was about how people witnessed a statue of the virgin mary crying, now im not here to speculate if it was true or not but made me think that there was a reason why God sent pious people to this world, be it Moses, Jesus, Muhammed and if they were here now would they allow the corruption of society to carry on.
I just get so tired of the way people treat each other and there are times where i just dont want to be here because of it.
I hope you have or had a good rest depending when you read this, and thank you for taking time out to read this.
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