Dear William,
A faithful, Godly man would say that their Lord and what He manifests are his inspiration.
A person who is saddened in his daily affairs or at the state of others would say that was their inspiration to put pen to paper.
But what I write is merely carefully selected words placed neatly in a sentence to reflect my state of mind.
I look at this world and how beautiful it is and how much more beauty it contains within, then I look at its inhabitants and the way they have become.
I become torn between a state of deep longing for tranquillity and love and then the hardships of just being human.
Inspiration can come in the smallest form and in the most unexpected situations, one just needs to be open minded about where and when it comes and be ready to accept it.
And yes sometimes I can not write, my mind either becomes empty of everything or becomes congested with so many thoughts and emotions of life, of the human race that sometimes it’s better to keep silent.
At 6:03 pm,
Anonymous said…
Did you write this to someone? It is beautiful, Masha'Allah
At 3:06 pm,
Anonymous said…
Salaam Alaikum:
A wise and true statement of life's strugle between silent contemplation and the buzz of the mind's active imagination. And even when we speak, our words should reflect the best within us.
An old Sufi tradition advises us to speak only after our words have managed to pass through four gates. At the first gate, we ask ourselves, "Are these words true?" If so, we let them pass on; if not, back they go. At the second gate we ask; "Are they necessary?" At the third gate we ask; "Are they beneficial?" and at the fourth gate, we ask, "Are they kind?" If the answer to any of these is no, then what you are about to say should be left unsaid.
At 9:45 am,
enemy said…
The Sufi tradition advice are so beautiful, if only I could remind myself everytime before I breath out words from my mouth. Thank you.
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