How Do You Get That Lonely
How do you get that lonely, how do you hurt that bad
To make you make the call, that havin' no life at all
Is better than the life that you had
How do you feel so empty, you want to let it all go
How do you get that lonely... and nobody know
Blaine Larsen
At 12:47 pm,
Tempest said…
Im so sorry to hear about your friend. When things like this happen you start to evaluate the friendship you had with them and you try and think about the past conversations, were there any signs of this happening, were they trying to hint they need help but not quite say the words.
People differ with their understanding and views on death and what happens to us after leaving this world, once we die is that the end of our existence or is there something beyond death. The part which really gets me thinking is when it says: 'to make you make the call that having no life at all is better than the life that you had'.
I read a book a while ago called 'Veronika decides to die'(Paulo Coelho) its about a girl who attempted suicide through drugs, however it failed but as a consequence of it failing she had only a few weeks to live, and it was in those last weeks of her life she started to realise that she didnt want to die and she regreted taking the overdose and wished that she never did it and when you come out of that 'bubble' of depression/sadness whatever it may be, life can be great.
I dont think what you said is strange at all, i think one of the best gifts a human can give another is to understand and know that someone needs you without them having to say it. It can be hard for one to seek help as doing this may show a form of weakness. Its great that you can do that, its a true gift to know that good and caring people exist in the world today amid the chaos and troubles of this world.
I look forward in reading more of your work...
At 9:30 pm,
Tempest said… are you doing? Its nothing to be envious of what is said, its just lifes experience. You know you can be 18 and gone through and seen more than lets say a 40 year old. Life is a very good teacher. It opens up different avenues of learning, not just through your own life, but through others peoples lives.
Death can be difficult to come to terms with especially if the death was'nt in a natural form, i.e. old age and illness. They say times a healer, we all know that, but the missing part may never be compensated for, its something we have to cope with. :)
You know a while ago i read both the life stories of both Dave and Richard Pelzer, who you may know went through the most horrific situations of abuse from their mother, their cases were one of the worse forms of abuse ever recorded in U.S history, and throughout reading both their accounts, I could'nt believe that they were still alive to this day to tell their tale and I wonder what was it that kept them alive especially Richard...was it hope in themselves, hope in others to thing i know is that they are a living proof that we can overcome the most difficult of difficulties.
Im really glad that you managed to upload more of your poetry, be sure ill be reading them as soon as i finish this post.
Thanks for your sincere wishes and i do hope you are well and content.
Take care
Before i forget i have two copies of Veronika Decides to Die, I really dont need two and i dont mind sending it to you if you like.
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