Until we meet again
The illnesses of society have decapitated my soul
Confused at how society can stoop so low
Departing these people I shall go
For a temporary while I bid farewell
Confused at how society can stoop so low
Departing these people I shall go
For a temporary while I bid farewell
Bless those searching for truth, purpose and love;
Seek with a heart of purity and innocence.
Until we meet again my friend on life’s journey
Peace be on your soul.
Tempest ©
(To those very few people who have touched my life, showed me love and who have given me a true purpose to my life...thank you...i'll be back when God wills it.)
At 5:29 am,
Anonymous said…
Salaam Alaikum:
As a poet and writer, may I commend to you my book, Master of the Jinn: A Sufi Novel, a mystical adventure tale on the Sufi path of Love and peace. I think you will like it. It has been translated and published in Russia, and will, later this year inshallah, be translated and published in Indonesia, into Bahasa, the national language.
You can view the book and read an excerpt at http://www.masterofthejinn.com
In the Name of the Merciful, 10% of all profits go to charity.
Ya Haqq,
At 2:47 pm,
Sahar_Reviews said…
Peace be upon you Tempest.
Wish you all the best, hoping to see you back with more profound verses.
Till then, may you be under the shade of Fatimah Zahra's cloak.
At 3:42 am,
Sadiq said…
u can listen to the goo goo dolls that u found in my blog.
here is the link,
give some time for the song to load.
missing you my sweet friend and sister.
At 10:14 am,
Anonymous said…
i too have felt this way. have taken time away from those of this world to reflect and ponder on the larger things of life. i have read all of the posts on this site and see through your eyes. you have gone through quite a little bit in your young life. and many more trials await you. but from your writings i can tell that you have strong faith. and that, above all else, will see you through everything. i look back on the life i have led and only wish i had as much faith as you appear to have. but i am stronger now then before. and i grow stronger everyday as i live. i found your site through William. he told me you write beautiful poetry and inspiring verses. he was not in lie when he spoke highly of you. though i think he writes good as well. lately though he seems to be trying to do too many things for too many people. he hurts because there are many people who hurt and he feels he is not doing enough. if you will, remember him in your prayers? sorry this is so long, but thanks for writing and helping William. He would never tell you that. well, goodnight. hope it's all right that i wrote you. be well.
Matthew (William's friend)
At 8:17 pm,
Tempest said…
Firstly you are more than welcome to read the contents of this site, to share whats on your mind, to give people your views on the way you percieve things, if you do this i am truly honoured.
Its ok you dont need to apologise for how long or short your post is and if this site, these words, these thoughts help your dear friend then my existence has not gone to waste.
You talk about faith, now im certainly no preacher, i dont wish to be, but whenever i read a book about my faith, the words that this life is a test constantly repeat themselves. That God wont burden us with things He knows that we cant handle, but because we become weak at times , that is why we struggle, why we think our lives have become too difficult, why we find it hard to cope. My faith, my religion also tells me that this life is temporary, that our life flashes by with a blink of an eye, that we can die any moment.
It tells me that i have many roles to play in society. As a servant to God, i worship Him, try not to commit sin. On a human level, to try and be good to others, give to those less fortunate than myself. This is my faith, and this is whats kept me going, believing that at the end of all this struggle and suffering something good will come out of it, if not in this world then in the hereafter.Knowing that thorugh all tihs testing and trials God is remembering me as He tests those He loves. I know it may sound a bit strange if God loves you then why would He make you suffer, i may write about this in the future...maybe...
Knowing that from what ive gone through, the mistakes that ive made, that i can help someone else, that is the grestest gift of all to me, helping someone else to find peace.
The past now seems so long ago, the future seems so unreal, we only have the present. You know i dont think and one person can turn round and say they've had an easy life. Eveyone goes through some sort of negative suffering, whether its depression, stress, pain, some people are just good at hiding it than others, they mask it away from people, as it shows them in a negative light, shows them being weak.
Even though i dont know you, i feel a sense of happiness that you have been able to get through any ordeal you had to go through, and i really do hope sincerely that you only become stronger, but its ok to stumble from time to time, and if you do stumble try and pick yourself up quickly, the longer you're on the ground the harder it becomes to stand up.
I thank you so much for your compliments and i will pray for William, i know this may sound a little weird but through what he writes i do feel sad and worried for him, im sure with a friend like you to help him along the way he will be ok.
Look after yourself and your loved ones...and thank you once again
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