How hard is it to find a smile?
I went out today, as I walked around I smiled at everyone who came into my view.
Out of all the people who I smiled at, only one smiled back. She was a short old lady, who seemed as though she had seem more dark days than light.
I remember her smile, the way she glanced at me. Whenever I remember that moment I feel joy.
Maybe its just me but I feel so much happiness when I see a person smile.
When a child smiles the whole world smiles back at them, but as we age a smile becomes a rarity.
I went out today, as I walked around I smiled at everyone who came into my view.
Out of all the people who I smiled at, only one smiled back. She was a short old lady, who seemed as though she had seem more dark days than light.
I remember her smile, the way she glanced at me. Whenever I remember that moment I feel joy.
Maybe its just me but I feel so much happiness when I see a person smile.
When a child smiles the whole world smiles back at them, but as we age a smile becomes a rarity.
So how hard is it to smile?
At 9:34 pm,
Anonymous said…
it is not hard to smile. only hard to smile back. it is not hard to laugh. only hard to laugh first
with so much darkness, in this world of ours, we have lost our sense of laughter. our sense of belonging. instead we go through this life. thinking only of us,
but there are some, like you that smile and lift others up. So smile,
it may be a simple thing, but in fact good will come of it. smile
and eventually others will smile as well. thank you for writing this.
At 5:55 pm,
Tempest said…
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, so very true. I think i should of changed the last line to read: So how hard is it ot find a smile?
I think im going to start off some campaign to get people to smile more often
When someone smiles at me i feel like the richest most happiest person ever.
If people knew what a smile does to another person, i dont think their mouths will ever retract.
God bless!
At 8:16 pm,
Anonymous said…
I am smiling at you right now :)
At 12:01 am,
enemy said…
Me smiling at you too : )
At 9:19 am,
Anonymous said…
Asalaam alaykoum,
I think the problem with today's world is that everyone is so governed by outward life and laws that they're so distanced from their inner selves and true potential as human beings. Sadly, not many people know that they are Loved because not many people mean what they say anymore. Everything has become so artificial. When I worked fast food, I said "Have a nice day" to someone and smiled... but then I thought, "wow, I only said that because it's the company policy to say that." It's like when we say "Asalaam alaykoum" to others; it's a habit, it's a routine. When we really put meaning behind the Islamic greeting and say it from our HEART "Peace be unto you," we feel a very powerful difference within ourselves. I believe if we had more people who really meant what they said and weren't so consumed by this artificial world, we would have Happier people.
Children are innocent and perhaps thats why everyone smiles back at them. Since we live in such a world that plays on fear (thanks to the news and contemporary politicians), people are suspicious of everyone, they're suspicious of people who smile at them, people who wear headscarves, people who have long beards, people who are a different shade of skin, etc. It's very interesting you mentioned the child because I believe when we smile at children, we are smiling at a reflection of the inner-child within us. We are looking into the mirror pool of innocence and joy that most of us have forgotten.
People need to know they are Loved by their fellow beings and by Allah subhanna wa ta'ala. People need to be awakened to the fact that there IS an Ever-Present Beauty that surrounds us, they have to be awakened to the fact that they are more than what they think they are.
But don't be discouraged by their lack of response. Keep smiling because soon that inner Beauty within you will shine through and others will see it's radiance. People will see it and they will smile back.
You have a beautiful blog by the way. Keep up the great work.
Salaam :)
~ Jehanzeb
At 6:01 am,
Anonymous said…
Keep on smiling....
Bless You!
At 4:30 pm,
Tempest said…
Thanks guys for all the comments, i knew i could count on someone to smile at me and to lift me up. Sorry i couldnt write sooner ive been away and unable to come online. Its great to come back though and i cant wait to check your posts and start posting again.
I really like your post Jehanzeb, you put it nicely, thank you.
And keep smiling as the above post stated :).
At 5:35 pm,
Sadiq said…
Bless you beloved.
smile to u.
At 1:58 pm,
Anonymous said…
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