بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
Humanity's Call
There's a call.
Can you hear it? I can.
Coming from deep oceans .
Screeching, Wailing, Painfully calling.
Calling you.
There's a cry.
Does your heart bleed at the sound of it? Mine does.
Coming from war torn lands.
Screeching, Wailing, Painfully crying.
Crying for you.
There's a stare.
Staring at you, does your eyes see them? Mine do.
Coming from an orphaned child.
Screeching, Wailing, Painfully staring.
Staring at you.
There's a plea.
A plea for a generous hand, do you witness this sight? Mine do.
Coming from a beggar of ripe age.
Screeching, Wailing, Painfully pleading.
Pleading for you.
Shall I carry on?
Shall I speak to you of the pains of war that these eyes have witnessed,
Or the pangs of hunger and the thirst which this stomach has become accustomed to,
Or the separation of mother and child that this heart has felt,
Or shall you carry on living,
Ignoring the Screech,
The Wail,
The Pain
Of humanity's call.
There's a call.
Can you hear it? I can.
Coming from deep oceans .
Screeching, Wailing, Painfully calling.
Calling you.
There's a cry.
Does your heart bleed at the sound of it? Mine does.
Coming from war torn lands.
Screeching, Wailing, Painfully crying.
Crying for you.
There's a stare.
Staring at you, does your eyes see them? Mine do.
Coming from an orphaned child.
Screeching, Wailing, Painfully staring.
Staring at you.
There's a plea.
A plea for a generous hand, do you witness this sight? Mine do.
Coming from a beggar of ripe age.
Screeching, Wailing, Painfully pleading.
Pleading for you.
Shall I carry on?
Shall I speak to you of the pains of war that these eyes have witnessed,
Or the pangs of hunger and the thirst which this stomach has become accustomed to,
Or the separation of mother and child that this heart has felt,
Or shall you carry on living,
Ignoring the Screech,
The Wail,
The Pain
Of humanity's call.
At 10:37 am,
Anonymous said…
because of pain
and love for all
let us think of MANSOOR
who was not loved by those
who were hungry for power
cruelty and disrespect for the other
At 4:29 pm,
Anonymous said…
A work of heart-rending power. May Allah bless you.
At 9:28 pm,
Anonymous said…
i heard from William last night. he called to say goodbye. not sure what he meant but his family doesn't even know where he is now. he spoke of too many people hurtin and how little he is able to do. i tried to tell him to slow down and take one step back from his battles, bu i am afraid he did not listen. because of his deformities people have always rejected him. but he has stood against them and has relyed on God as his strength. this poem that you have written speaks voulmes to me. and i hope to others as well. William would have written something like this, i know that. i hope and pray that he is all right. that he has done nothing stupid. truthfully, i do not believe he would. i know he is stronger then that. when he called he asked me if you had written anything and i told him to check himself. he told me that he would so maybe he will read this. one thing i know about William, he always keeps his word. i'm glad that William can talk to you and not have you turn away. course you have not seen him in person. but you, you seem honest enough that even if you did see him, you would still not turn away. well, i am going out to look for him with his family and see what we find. hopefully he will write you again. if so, please let me know. thank you for your continued prayers. be well.
At 10:51 pm,
enemy said…
"That nothing comes from violence and nothing ever could.For all those born beneath an angry star
Lest we forget how fragile we are" - Sting
though the physical pain may fade away but the memory will stay.
At 11:48 pm,
Tempest said…
Matthew: I know this is worrying for you and his family as much as it is for me. God will protect him, he will be all right as i know he will not want to hurt anyone.
I feel so helpless, i wish i could do something for you guys but all i have is my prayers for you.
All i know of him is what he writes in his blog and what he comments on here, and i found him to be one of those people who you spend a life time searching for and you may never find, then you can only dream them up.
Look i'll give you my email address, this is something not to be discussed openly, and if you do hear anything please let me know, i'll be worried til then. It's: unseenjourney@hotmail.co.uk
Enemy: I really like what you wrote, memories are all we have left, its upto us if we want to keep them alive or bury them.
At 8:45 pm,
Tempest said…
Hey seriously you don't need to apologise, anybody would of done the same thing, i was just concerned. I just hope that you are well.
Sometimes we commit an act out of haste or without thinking or even both, and they have real big consequences, we can lose more than we gain.
Talk to you later.
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