To me:
When I first started this blog, it was a place where I could keep all the inspirational and interesting pieces I had read and recollect them from time to time. It also became a sanctuary where I could keep all my bad poetry I write. A place where I can just go and just feel peace with what I put in, and where I can truly be myself.
I look back and read through what I wrote over the past year and so many months and written between the lines...somewhere...there is a hidden meaning only which I can relate to. Looking back I remember the states I was in at each entry, sometimes in a state of confusion, at other times in a bubble of complete bliss only to find it burst down the line and clinging on to hope. I remember where I was when I wrote each entry, each emotion I can still feel it when I read back at an fresh it still seems, i can just taste it.
I look back and I don't just want to live, I just cant seem to fit into that conventional mode of life, I feel its not me, its not for me, it feels like an act that I put on, furthermore it's not want my heart wants.
It just feels like I cant relate to anyone at the moment, the few people who I have met, who I have had some connection with, who have guided me over the years have long gone and now im sitting here typing to myself wondering where to go from here.
I know what I want in my heart but is it achievable for me?
To be continued, if ever I pick up on the points made.
At 7:29 pm,
Anonymous said…
Salaam Dear Sister:
Oh Sister, the heart only yearns for one thing, though a thousand thoughts intrude...Love.
But a love that never fails, illuminated by a sun that does not set. Take heart, oh seeker, the path is laid before your feet.
May Allah bless you on the journey.
Ya Haqq!
At 11:28 pm,
Tempest said…
Thank you both of you. I checked your blog out Prayer warrior, its unique, you should update it when you can.
Wa alaikum assalaam Akhi Irving, thanks for your comment, its something to give alot of thought to, most definitely.
At 6:36 am,
Anonymous said…
Dear sweet Tempest, you have no idea how lucky you are to yearn for Him. that is the gift directly from Him. my salaams to you sheila
At 9:59 pm,
Anonymous said…
Sometimes looking back does leave you wondering where you are, i know. Don't worry, try to look forward and see who you can become; go from there
At 6:02 am,
Unknown said…
Peace, paz, with mercy, blessings, faith... from the Andean mountains in Bolivia...
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